About Rod SEMPLE

Take responsibility for your future. . .
Be Intentional Today!

Thanks for stopping by to check out RodSEMPLE.com where the purpose is to help readers take intentional steps today.

Hema, Shannon, Alysha, and I live about an hour’s drive (on a good day) southeast of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Why I write

Too many people lives of regret. I write about Christian Spirituality to help my readers take intentional steps today, rediscover their life’s purpose … and impact the destiny of those they care about.

My passion is to help individuals, regardless of age, to take intentional steps today, discover or re-discover their destiny, and take action—Evaluate, make a decision, and change direction if necessary to rediscover or stay true to God’s calling on their lives.

With an insatiable curiosity, I often have more questions than answers.

Be intentional

My writing intentionally focuses on 7 categories that I believe make up a balanced life:

  • Faith

  • Family

  • Finances

  • Friends

  • Fitness

  • Fulfillment

  • Fun

Then there are other times when I write about nothing in particular. Sometimes I just to rant and please myself.


If I could achieve anything with this blog, my goal would be to :

Inspire like—Winston S Churchill. 

Create like—Aaron Sorkin, ( A Few Good MenThe West WingThe Social Network, Moneyball, Steve Jobs ). 

Communicate like—Billy Connolly (without the naughty words) and Andy Stanley.

Notice like—Andy Andrews .

Love like—Jesus Christ ( John 13:34—35 )      

Encourage—my readers to live an intentional life … today!

Best regards,


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2 responses to “About Rod SEMPLE”

  1. JamesBlack Avatar

    Hello Rod,
    I have often thought about You over the years and at one stage thought of visiting Australia when I retired. Not so sure now. It is now 50 years since you left and next year there will a be a 50 year reunion. I noticed your name Was Not on the list. If you send me your email, I will forward details to you.
    Your dad visited my parents in 2004, shortly before my dad died. They enjoyed his visit. I suspect he also visited about 10 yrs earlier.
    Hope you will keep in touch and even better, come over next year. (We live in Oxford so unfortunately cannot offer you accommodation.



    1. Rod Semple Avatar
      Rod Semple

      Hey James, it has been a lifetime. Great to hear from you after all this time. I trust you and yours are keeping well despite the COVID restrictions. Once things get back to normal, whatever that looks like, we’d love to return to Europe and the UK, but at the moment Melbourne is just returning from it’s 4th lockdown. Life is good in Australia. I’d love to hear what’s happening with the 50th-anniversary reunion. Please keep in touch. Best regards, Rod

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