I came across the following extract published in Fortune, 29th October, 2014.
Best advice from CEOs: 40 execs’ secrets to success
‘I saw the movie Spartacus when I was just 10 years old. And from that day on, Kirk Douglas was a hero to me. Thirty years later, I found myself sitting next to him at a charity event. He had just addressed the crowd in a more eloquent, elegant, and passionate way than I had ever heard anyone speak before. I asked him where that passion came from. That is when he said the most important words anyone has ever said to me: “You haven’t learned how to live until you’ve learned how to give.’
What’s the best advice you like to give?
‘I don’t think it matters how small or how big the task is, if you can do it just a little bit better than what is expected, you will be noticed and rewarded. At DreamWorks, with every movie we make, we start out with the ambition and the goal to exceed the expectations of our audience. We may not succeed every time, and you may not either, but we sure do try.’
written by Christopher Tkaczyk & Scott Olster
Photo: Stuart Isett—Forutne Most Powerful Women
Your turn now:
- What was the best piece of advice you were ever given and by whom?
- How did it effect you?
I look forward to hearing your response . . . so please leave a comment.
Until next time, best regards,